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German paratroopers with 88mm mortar (Montecassino 1944) REISSUE Dragon-6215


Dragon 1/35

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Dragon models


Dragon reissues its series of kits dedicated to the battle of Montecassino (Italy 1944). In this box you will find an 88 mm mortar and the complete equipment of one of the paratrooper units that fought in the famous monastery.

The Battle of Montecassino, fought during World War II in Italy, was a fierce and crucial conflict that lasted from January to May 1944. Montecassino, a former Benedictine monastery, became a strategic point for the Allied forces, composed of Americans, British, French and Poles, who fought tenaciously to capture the hill and break the German defensive line called Gustav line. The battle involved devastating bombardments and close combat against the defending Fallschirmjager (German paratroopers) units. Finally, in May, the Allies achieved victory, opening the road to Rome and weakening the German position in Italy.



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