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Heavy Tank Tiger I Ausf. E Bolt-402012015


Bolt 1/56

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The mere mention of the name“Tiger” during World War II was capable of spreading panic among Allied armored formations.

The Tiger was hastily deployed on the Russian front in response to the heavier Soviet tanks that had taken the Wehrmacht by surprise. With its imposing square body and rounded turret, it commanded respect from enemy tankers. Its extremely thick armor, made of high quality steel, made it practically invulnerable, at least frontally, to anti-tank fire.

Equipped with an 88 mm cannon, the Tiger was a lethal weapon, effective against enemy tanks at ranges of up to three kilometers and capable of firing a high explosive shell.

Although the 52-ton Tiger was slow, its wide tracks gave it reasonable off-road performance. Crews received special training due to the expensive nature of building and maintaining this machine. A veteran, well-trained five-man crew could engage several enemy tanks with a reasonable chance of defeating them, with little danger to crew or tank.

Tigers were generally grouped in separate battalions of heavy tanks and distributed according to the needs of the high command, their mere presence being sufficient to change the balance in a sector.

The model includes a detailed German tank commander.

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