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Ammo Mig Cat’s Tongue Synthetic Brush No. 10 Ammo-8589


Ammo tools

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Mig Jimenez


No. 10 Synthetic Cat Tongue Brush

Cat tongue brush.
This reference will allow us to blur and blend colors to obtain very smooth color transitions.
It is also very suitable for working with decals and the specific liquids for them.
A very versatile brush for an infinite number of applications in the painting and aging of models and dioramas.

AMMO’s range of synthetic brushes is made of high quality fibers that provide great elasticity.
Their resistance to all solvents means that they can be used with any type of paint, such as acrylics, enamels or oils.
Their great durability at a very economical price makes these brushes perfect for all kinds of techniques in a wide range of tasks.

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