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REEDITION: Chevrolet 15CWT Truck (80th Anniversary of D-Day) 1/35 Italeri-233


During the 1930s, a series of production agreements were established between the Canadian subsidiaries of the major U.S. automakers to develop a line of trucks suitable to meet the transportation needs of British and major Commonwealth troops. Production expanded during the Second World War, and Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) trucks accompanied Commonwealth troops on the main European fronts, from the campaign in North Africa to the invasion of Sicily and the Normandy landings. Robust, reliable and particularly effective in operational use, they were produced in numerous configurations and with different roles, from military logistics to artillery towing. The CWT 15 version, in particular, was highly appreciated for its four-wheel drive and good load capacity. These trucks played a key role in the military operations of the conflict.

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  • Models reissued for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944.
  • 1/35 scale model
  • Includes 3 marking options

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